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Parameter Function
-path Specifies the path to the items to copy
-destination Specifies the path to where the items are to be copied
-container Preserves container objects during the copy operation
-recurse Specifies a recursive copy
-force Allows cmdlet to override restrictions such as renaming existing files as long as security is not compromised
-include Specifies only those items upon which the cmdlet will act, excluding all others
-exclude Omits the specified items. Wildcards are permitted.
-filter Specifies filter elements
-passThru Passes the object created by this cmdlet through the pipeline. By default, this cmdlet does not pass any objects through the pipeline.
-credential The credential is used to validate access
-literalPath Specifies a path to the item. The value of -LiteralPath is used exactly as it is typed.
-whatIf Describes what would happen if you executed the command without actually executing the command.
-confirm Prompts you for confirmation before executing the command
<CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, and -OutVariable.

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